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Independent TTRPGs at DriveThruRPG

The Masticator Gate (SkeletonKey Games)A new Bundle of Holding is featuring a load of third party Mörk Borg compatible adventures and supplements. You can get started for $12.95 or go all in for the current threshold price of $25.87. The savings run through January 31st and ten percent of your payment (after gateway fees) will be donated to this offer’s pandemic-related charity, Direct Relief.

About the Bundle:

Adventurer! This new Mörk Borg Compatible Bundle presents third-party supplements and adventures for the doom-metal apocalypse-artpunk tabletop fantasy roleplaying game Mörk Borg from Free League Publishing. (Bleakness alert! The Mörk Bork core rulebook you need to use this material isn’t included in this offer!) Published under a permissive Third Party License, these indie titles conjure a cruel and hopeless world’s grotesque monstrosities, ready to send fools and lost souls plummeting into the pitch-black depths of despair. It’ll be fun!

For just US$12.95 you get all five third-party supplements and adventures in our Starter Collection (retail value $51) as DRM-free ebooks, including two campaign adventures from newyear Studios, The Box of Shadows and The Bridges of Mur and the Endless Sea,; two supplements from Philip Reed, Calo’s Book of Monsters and Tower of Scoundrels; and Richard Kelly’s Fisk Borg, which expands Mörk Borg with much-needed rules for sinister and ominous fishing.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $25.29, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with five more indie titles worth an additional $69, including The Masticator Gate campaign (and its Endless Demons Deck) from SkeletonKey games; the miniatures game Forbidden Psalm from OptimisticNL; and Christian Eichhorn’s brutal adventures Vaults of Torment: Blood is Fuel and Temple of the Kraken God.

Jeff McAleer

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