About the bundle:
Adventurer! This new Warlock-Warpstar Bundle presents two tabletop roleplaying games from Fire Ruby Designs inspired by the early days of British roleplaying. Ready your warhammer or slug projector for rules-light adventure in the dark yet wondrous spirit of early Games Workshop and the Fighting Fantasy gamebooks. The fantasy game Warlock! and its standalone compatible space-opera companion Warpstar! both feature career-based characters, concise rules, and a unified 1d20+skill mechanic that adapts easily to published grim-and-perilous adventures and helps you create your own new stories.
For just US$12.95 you get all five titles in our Warlock Collection (retail value $65) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Warlock! Traitor’s Edition core rulebook, previously in the January 2023 Non-OGL Fantasy Bundle; the Compendium 3 rules expansion; and three current Warlock! sourcebooks: Kingdom Traitor’s Edition, the citybook Rebeck, and the seagoing campaign book Buccaneer!
And if you pay more than the threshold price of $25.02, you’ll level up and also get our entire Warpstar Collection with five more titles worth an additional $68, including the complete Warpstar! standalone core rulebook and four Warpstar! supplements: Caldera, Dire Threats, Hegemony, and Omoron.