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Arc Doom (Momatoes)Save big on a current Bundle of Holding. as indie roleplaying games are featured in the Cornucopia 2022 offer. Get about for $17.95 or go all in and score all seven core rules books for the current threshold price of $35.83. These savings run through December 12th and ten percent of your payment (after gateway fees) will be donated to this offer’s designated charity, the Diana Jones Award Emerging Designer Program.

About the bundle:

Adventurer! In time for the American Thanksgiving holiday, we present this Cornucopia 2022 Bundle, our tenth annual offer of top-quality tabletop roleplaying game ebooks. For just US$17.95 you get all three complete games in our Starter Collection (retail value $70) as DRM-free ebooks, including Kevin (Worlds Without Number) Crawford’s historical RPG Wolves of God; the family saga of restaurant management and hopping vampires, Jiangshi: Blood in the Banquet Hall (Wet Ink Games); and Jay Dragon’s peaceful, pastoral game of animal travelers, Wanderhome.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $35.83, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with four more RPGs worth an additional $90:

  • Hard Wired Island (Weird Age Games): Alternate-retrofuture cyberpunk about fighting The Man in low-Earth orbit.
  • Defiant RPG (Game Machinery): Powerful supernatural aristocrats defend their Holdings against attack, intrigue, and ancient gods.
  • ARC Doom (momatoes): This year’s Diana Jones Emerging Designer Award winner presents a tense and tightly focused struggle to stop apocalypse ticking ever closer on a real-world Doomsday Clock.
  • Viking Death Squad (Runehammer Games): Whereas Wanderhome is a peaceful game of friendly animal companions, Viking Death Squad … isn’t.

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