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Tag: DriveThruRPG

The Truth is Out Where?: A Review of ‘Conspiracy X 2.0’

So why pick Conspiracy X over other games of this genre? For you crunchy game types, you’ll love all the options to create unique characters with unique combinations of skills and resources. For you story-driven gaming types, you’ll enjoy the option to explore the world you know (and the shadowy world you don’t) by reading all the conspiracy theories woven in with real historical events.

DNDClassics Launches Today

We heard rumblings of this possibility at last year’s Gen Con and happily in a partnership between DriveThruRPG and Wizards of the Coast as of

The Hyper Halfling’s Book of Lists

One of the hottest items on DriveThruRPG is The Hyper Halfling’s Book of Lists. It’s like a life preserver for those times when the players