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Tag: Kickstarter

Schlock Mercenary Kicks It Over the Top

Schlock Mercenary recently completed its funding run on Kickstarter with a bazillion dollars in funding (well, maybe I’m exaggerating). This is a board game based on the science fiction web comic by cartoonist Howard Tayler.

Scurvy Dogs Make the Cut

Congratulations to Darren J. Gendron for his successful funding of Scurvy Dogs: Pirates and Privateers. The tentative release date is May 2012. Here’s a bit

Clever Mojo to Kickstart Alien Frontiers Factions

Alien Frontiers is about to expand even further with the recently announced Kickstarter project, Alien Frontiers Factions. Following on the heels of the expansion will be a series of boosters to expand the expansion (hmm… that sounds strange) to greater expansiveness!

Lyssan… A Kickstarted Game You may have Missed

Sam Brown has successfully Kickstarted his upcoming game Lyssan. If you didn’t hear about it, you might want to add it to your watch list, as it looks like a game with potential.

Kickstarter Eaten by Zombies

Speaking of Kickstarter, Mayday Games has their Zombie filled deck building game Eaten by Zombies up for pledges on Kickstarter.

Only Two Weeks Remain to Support Venture Forth on Kickstarter

Time is running out for gamers to pledge their support for Minion Games and their Venture Forth Kickstarter project. We can’t tell you much about how the game plays but as you can see from the preview video below, the artwork looks impressive.

Venture Forth Added to Kickstarter

Minion Games has four new games coming out for Origins, but they’re looking to release even more this year. Minion is starting a Kickstarter pledge page to ask