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Mothership 1E at DriveThruRPG
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Sanitarium from Asmadi Games is a quick-playing adventure through the creepiest of places. Dazed and lost, you awaken with only the desire to escape and fuzzy memories. You remember a few items that you know will keep you safe. But the walls are moving…or at least it looked like they were moving. Well, yeah, that’s a pretty good sign that it’s time to get out now, isn’t it? That writing in the air isn’t great either.

Sanitarium plays in 30-45 minutes, and is for 1 to 4 players. You can play competitively, cooperatively, or solitaire. Go nuts! Wait, don’t do that…you’ll lose. To start the game, each player is secretly dealt a number of Safe Things, which represent the items they’ll need to regain their sanity and escape this terrible, terrible place. The Sanitarium is represented by a series of hallways and rooms. Each card’s back doubles as a unexplored hallway:

As you explore, you’ll find rooms. Rooms grant you safety from the monsters that may be roaming the halls, and you’ll need to be in a room with your Safe Things to finally escape.

As you move about, you can spend action points to peek at the card you’re standing on by searching the room, and potentially take it. But of course, the shadows hide terrible things, and monsters will be roving the halls as well. Each player will both take actions moving and exploring and also move one of the monsters, potentially attacking another player (In co-operative and solitaire play, the monsters move on their own). Of course, the monster could just be a figment of their imagination, so nothing at all may happen…

Asmadi is pushing for a March release, and anticipate the game will have an MSRP of around $30

Elliott Miller

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