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Tag: Pinnacle Entertainment Group

The Daily Dope for Thursday January 12th, 2012

Today’s show brings you the latest from Gamewright, Wizkids, Days of Wonder, Fantasy Flight Games, Privateer Press, Pinnacle Entertainment, the Chicago Comic and Entertainment Expo,

Savage Worlds Horror Companion

Horror Coming to Savage Worlds

An all new supplement is on the horizon for the popular role playing system Savage Worlds, from Pinnacle Entertainment. If you’d like to bring thrills

Savage Worlds Goes Deluxe

Pinnacle Entertainment is amping up the excitement with an all new Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition. In an interesting marketing move, Pinnacle is also taking pre-orders for those gamers attending this year’s Gen Con and those placing orders will be able to pick up the 160 page hardcover rulebook right at the convention.