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Tag: Z-Man Games

Pandemic Reprints Coming at a Higher Price

Z-Man Games has announced reprints of Pandemic and Pandemic: On the Brink will be hitting shelves at your friendly local game store this September. One one hand this is good news seeing both titles have been difficult for some gamers to find while, on the other, there is a need to take the price increase into account. Pandemic will retail for $39.99 and On the Brink is $34.99. These are increases of five dollars from the original MSRP. Not a big bump to be sure but the new pricing does need to be mentioned.

It is Time to Open the Grimoire

Grimoire from Z-Man Games has hit the store shelves. Modified from the original Japanese release by going up to FIVE players instead of four

Z-Man Games Purchased by Filosopfia Games

We learned this past weekend that Filosophia Games have purchased Z-Man Games. Filosophia is a Quebec based publisher known for their French language releases.

Spectral Rails Ghosting to a Station Near You

Z-Man presents Spectral Rails, which is now available at a FLGS near you. Journey through the American southwest in your ghostly train looking for souls to save. In an interesting twist, the game is for 3-4 players only.

The Walking Dead Board Game Announced

Whether you’re a fan of the AMC series, or don’t dare miss an issue of Robert Kirkman’s masterful comic series like Elliott and I, you’ll be thrilled

Ascending Empires Now in Stores

From Z-Man Games comes the Ian Cooper designed Ascending Empires and it’s just hitting store shelves. The info currently out is fairly scarce but here’s what the Z-Man website has to say:

The Secret of Monte Cristo is Out from Z-Man Games

What if you had heard of the vast treasure hidden by the Count in the Chateau d’If, where he was imprisoned for so many years? Become a robber and thief in this new game from Z-Man and steal some if the Count’s wealth. The Secret of Monte Cristo was designed by Arnaud Urbon and Charles Chevallier.

Ninjato in June

Coming this June from Z-Man, Ninjato designed by A.B. West and Dan Schnake.  IN 12TH CENTURY JAPAN, the Minamoto and Taira clans vie for power

The Gaming Gang Episode 15 – The Golden City, Final Frontier, the State of Role Playing and More

It took a while but it’s time for a new episode with reviews of The Golden City from Z-Man Games and Final Frontier from Victory Point Games.

David Brashaw and Leonard Boyd visit, from across the pond with Elliott to discuss designing the upcoming Discworld themed Z-Man release, Guards! Guards!

Elliott shares some intial thoughts regarding Fantasy Flight’s Mansions of Madness and the boys tackle what they feel to be the state of roleplaying games today.

All this and more gaming news in a jam packed show!


Coming very soon from Z-Man Games and Ludonaute is Yggdrasil. No, I have no idea how to pronounce it.

Grimoire from Z-Man

The latest issue of the Z-Man newsletter has been released. In this issue, the discussion turns to Grimoire. Designed by Hayato Kisaragi, it is a game for 2-4 players and lasts 30-60 minutes.

Hey You! What About Luna?

It’s not getting a lot of press, despite the good things I’ve heard about it. Luna recently made it onto the US retailer shelves, thanks to Z-Man Games.

Dark Minions are Approaching

Coming this May-July from Z-man games is Dark Minions. A fantasy dice game designed by Alan M. Newman.

Guards! Guards!: A Discworld Playtest Report

David Brashaw and Leonard Boyd from Backspindle Games were kind enough to share this exclusive look into the playtesting of their upcoming Discworld themed game, Guards! Guards!