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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild
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Jeff - Nov2017I know quite a few of our regular visitors have been wondering why I’ve been so quiet the past three weeks and I thought it time to unveil what’s been happening and what I’ve been working on. I also want to thank the folks who reached out through email to make sure I was doing alright since, although it’s not common knowledge, I won a battle against cancer not too many years back and some people were concerned maybe there was a health issue involved.

Rest assured everyone, I feel great and just happened to have been on the road a lot for work over the last five weeks or so. One of the reasons for being gone so much is that I wanted to sock away cash for my latest endeavor here at The Gaming Gang and it’s something I think a lot of our regulars will dig. I’ve actually been building a mini-studio in my basement as well as constructing a new computer for…

Drum roll please… Wait for it…

An all-new, live, weekday show to stream on Twitch and YouTube. That’s right! The Daily Dope is back but, rather than being a prerecorded podcast available Monday through Friday, this is going to be a live stream where viewers can interact with the goings on. I’m really excited and ready to have a lot of fun! The show premieres December 1st at 2pm CST but I’ll be doing a soft roll out all week long (beginning Tuesday to be precise) to iron out some bugs and get a better handle on the format so feel free to tune in. In fact, more details will be included in my official announcement coming in just a bit!

In the meantime, thanks to all of you who reached out to make sure I was okay. I didn’t disappear off the face of the Earth but was simply working behind the scenes to put together something I believe friends of The Gaming Gang are going to enjoy.

Jeff McAleer


  1. Jeff…glad all is well….is it possible…after the dust settles…to do a video play through reflecting the Campaign portion of Wild Blue Yonder?If so,
    that would be great!As an 84 solo gamer..I can use all the help I’m given!
    Thanks for consider..


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