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Mothership 1E at DriveThruRPG
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This time out I peek inside the latest boxed adventure for ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game from Free League Publishing. Bringing the Draconis Strain Saga to a close, Heart of Darkness is a complete adventure which can be used as a standalone tale as well. The boxed adventure set is available now and carries an MSRP of $34.99 or grab the PDF at DriveThruRPG for $17.99. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from GMT Games, Modiphius Entertainment, Osprey Games, Mongoose Publishing, Goodman Games, and more.

6:04 Tabletop gaming news
39:16 Random musings and a brief intermission
50:33 Unboxing and looking at ALIEN: The Roleplaying Game – Heart of Darkness
1:13:40 Wrapping up

Jeff McAleer

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