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Fields of Fire Volume III P500 (GMT Games)The third volume of the Fields of Fire wargame series has made the cut on the GMT Games P500 list. The new standalone volume brings British paratroopers into the system and includes three campaigns: Arnhem, 1944, Falklands 1982, and Afghanistan 2008. Fields of Fire III: The Parachute Regiment is for one player, ages 14+, plays in two to three hours per scenario, and can be preordered for the special price of $87.00 with an eventual MSRP of $125.00. The game has over 700 preorders.

About the game:

Fields of Fire Volume III sees the long awaited introduction of the British to Ben Hull’s masterpiece of tactical infantry command. From the burning streets of Arnhem to war-torn Helmand Province, Afghanistan, in this new, stand-alone volume from the team behind Fields of Fire Deluxe Edition, we follow the 2nd Battalion of The Parachute Regiment, commonly known as “2 PARA,” across over 60 years of military history.

As Britain’s elite Airborne Infantry, the Parachute Regiment are used as spearhead troops and are often inserted behind enemy lines, by parachute or in modern times by helicopter. Lightly equipped due to the nature of their insertion, they need all their training, resilience, and fighting spirit to survive until other units can fight their way to them.

Highlights – What’s New in Volume III:

  • When the company radios fail, make do with more uniquely British options like bugles.
  • Use unique British weaponry such as PIAT anti-tank weapons during WWII and vehicles like Scorpions and WMIK in the more modern theatres of the Falklands and Afghanistan.
  • Urban Defensive missions! Fight amongst rubble and fires, and try to hold on to your pocket by whatever means necessary as the enemy attacks utilizing a completely new urban offensive enemy hierarchy chart.
  • Experience the constraints of modern day combat as you try to determine whether groups of people and incoming vehicles are hostile or merely civilians going about their lives.
  • Collapsing buildings, an enemy helicopter attack, special forces, mine-sweeping duties, night assaults, and much, much more!
  • Three campaigns: Arnhem, 1944 – Falklands 1982 – Afghanistan 2008

Ben Hull’s Fields of Fire series is a solitaire game system that is designed to depict command & control of a rifle company in various conflicts of the 20th and 21st century.

The game is card based and utilizes two decks to play. The Action Deck, which replaces dice and many of the tables found in other tactical games, is used to control combat, orders, and various activity attempts. The Terrain Deck is based on a specific region and is used to build a map for the various missions your company must perform.

The units of the company are counters representing headquarters elements, sections, weapons teams, forward observers, individual vehicles, or aircraft. Missions can be played as stand-alone games or strung together into a campaign in which the player must manage experience and replacements. A single mission can be played in about 2-3 hours. 

Jeff McAleer

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