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Complete Kobold Guide to Game Design Second Edition (Kobold Press)Kobold Press and Bundle of Holding have teamed to bring you a money saving offer on a variety of Kobold roleplaying guides. You can jump aboard for $19.95 and grab all nine essay collections. These savings run through January 15th.

About the bundle:

Adventurer! This new Kobold Guides Bundle presents Kobold Press essay collections about tabletop game design and gameplay. In these nine .PDF ebooks, dozens of experienced designers have contributed more than 200 practical, thought-provoking essays on worldbuilding, magic systems, combat, and crafting compelling stories. Use the advice in these authoritative essays to think about games like the professionals do. And this bundle makes a great gift for any game designer or roleplayer. (To give a Bundle of Holding as a gift, log out of your current browser session, then purchase the offer using the recipient’s email address.)

For just US$19.95 you get all nine complete volumes of essays in our Kobold Guide Collection (retail value $125) as DRM-free ebooks, including the Kobold Guides to Board Game Design, Combat, Complete Game Design Second Edition, Gamemastering, Magic, Monsters, Plots & Campaigns, Worldbuilding, and Worldbuilding, Vol 2.

Six of these Kobold Guides previously appeared in one or another of five Worldbuilder’s Toolkit offers in 2013, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2021. (Those are Toolkits #1, 4, 5, 7, and 8.) The three titles new to the Bundle of Holding – Board Game Design, Monsters, and Worldbuilding Vol. 2 – have a combined retail value of $41.

Jeff McAleer

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