Publisher: Cubicle 7 Games
Authors: Will Brooks, Walt Ciechanowski, David F Chapman, Alister Davison, Darren Pearce, Morgan Davie, Daniel ‘Drakoniques’ Oleh, Hannah-Lital Goldfinch, Eleanor Hingley, Andrew Kenrick, Gareth Ryder-Hanrahan, Graham Walmsley, Darren Watts, Andrew Peregrine, John Sewell, Alasdair Stuart, Graham Tugwell, and Rob D Webster
Graphics: Will Brooks, Diana Grigorescu, and James King
Year: 2023
Genre: Two volume set celebrating sixty years of the Doctor Who television series brought to the gaming table
Pages: 128 pages each
MSRP: $39.99 each in hardcover (with PDF) or $19.99 each in PDF at DriveThruRPG
I tackle both volumes of Doctor Who: The Roleplaying Game 2E Sixty Years of Adventure from Cubicle 7 Games. The books feature a retrospective of the various Doctors in the series, a look at their eras, story themes for each Doctor, plus stat blocks for each incarnation and many of their companions. Each entry also includes a short three act adventure which aims to capture the “feel” of that Doctor and their line up of stories.
Stay tuned as I’ll reveal how you can get into the running to become one of two lucky viewers to take home copies of both books in PDF.