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Roll Player Reviewed

Title: Roll Player

Publisher: Thunderworks Games

Designer: Keith Matejka

Artistss: JJ Ariosa, Vincent Dutrait, and Luis Francisco

Year: 2016

Genre: Fantasy roleplaying, character creation themed dice drafting game

Ages: 10+

Players: One to four players

Playtime: 60 to 90 minutes

MSRP: $59.95

I share a bit of a how to play, as well as my review, of Roll Player from Thunderworks Games. This is essentially the game which put Thunderworks on the map and now there are a variety of games which are set in the Roll Player world.

Is this a really fun puzzly, and relatively abstract, dice crafting game? Or simply a game which has been overhyped for years? You’ll find out!

Jeff McAleer

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    Roll Player Reviewed

    I can certainly see why Roll Player is so well regarded. The rules layout is crystal clear and the presentation is well done. The game play is interesting and quite a bit puzzly. Granted, a string of bad luck can throw a wrench into your game at any time and it's nearly impossible to stick with a strategy to carry you through to the end. All in all a lot of fun has been had and Roll Player is highly recommended.

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