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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild
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Mongoose Publishing has teamed with Bundle of Holding to offer a sweet deal on the second edition of the 2300AD roleplaying game. You can jump aboard for $14.95 and get the core rules set as well as the Traveller core book or go all in for the current threshold price of $30.91 and snag all nine PDFs. These savings run through September 2nd and ten percent of your payment (after gateway fees) will be donated to Direct Relief.

About the bundle:

Traveller! This Mongoose 2300AD 2E Bundle presents the 2021 Mongoose Publishing Second Edition of 2300AD, the tabletop science fiction roleplaying game about humanity discovering the stars. Three hundred years from now, humanity is claiming worlds far from Earth. Despite nearly destroying itself in the Twilight War, despite all the wars since, humanity has held on and kept its dream alive. Campaigns in 2300AD are about interstellar exploration – war on the far frontier – new colonies on hostile worlds – discovering and understanding alien species – even espionage in the gritty megacities of the Core worlds. Using the Mongoose Traveller 2E core rules, expect a grittier experience – less Space Viking, more Aliens.

This new offer presents the entire 2300AD 2E line, plus the current Traveller Core Rulebook, for an unbeatable bargain price. For just US$14.95 you get all five Mongoose Publishing titles in our Starter Collection (retail value $122) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete Mongoose Traveller 2E Core Rulebook Update 2022 and the Mongoose 2300AD 2E core rules set (2021), the equipment catalog Tools for Frontier Living, and the 2300AD 2E Referee’s Screen.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $30.91, you’ll level up and also get our entire Bonus Collection with four more titles worth an additional $135.50, including the massive Project Bayern campaign set, Ships of the Frontier, Vehicles of the Frontier, and the Aerospace Engineers’ Handbook.

Jeff McAleer

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