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Battlezoo Bestiary: Elemental Storm Kickstarter
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An interesting looking new zine for the Hypertellurians roleplaying game – and other science fantasy RPGs – is available from Mottokrosh Machinations. The first zine for the roleplaying game, Ultracosmic: Hypertellurians, features new adventures, locales, factions, NPCs, and more. The 56 page, A5 sized zine (with PDF) is available at Exalted Funeral for an MSRP of $26.00 or score just the PDF alone at DriveThruRPG for $9.99.

About the zine:

Wonder awaits, in the first ever Hypertellurians zine. Crammed full of eminently gameable material, from delightful and dazzling RPG artists and luminaries.
A zine for Hypertellurians and other (science) fantasy games.

  • 56 illustrated A5 pages of adventures, rules, locations, items, fiction, and more.
  • Softcover, stitch-bound, Munken paper.
  • 4 brand new adventures.
  • 2 full adventure locations, with factions, characters, plots, and hooks.

Hypertellurians is a stand-alone roleplaying game system, but it is compatible enough with most old or modern fantasy adventure games for the GM to convert modules from those systems on the fly.

In this game the players portray the Hypertellurians: adventuring the length and breadth of the Ultracosm, in retro science fantasy style. Take control of one of six archetypes, and choose or create a unique concept by layering on fun, inventive, and story-driving powers.

Jeff McAleer

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