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Deep Magic is Available at DriveThruRPG
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The GMT and Victory Point Games Strategic Alliance has announced the latest addition to their deluxe series of games. Basically, the strategic alliance is a cooperative agreement between the two companies where GMT takes some of the best offerings from VPG and gives it the deluxe treatment.

The great news is that the States of Siege line is finally hitting the GMT p500.

Revolt and Revolution is the title of the game.  The idea for this and future volumes is to thematically take two existing titles from VPG’s States of Siege line and add a third as-yet-unpublished game to the pack to create a GMT boxed set using larger counters, full sized cards, and mounted maps. all utilizing the talents of GMT’s art and production team.

The States of Siege game system from Victory Point Games features solitaire play in which the player is thrust into the role of defending a central position from attackers advancing on a number of fronts using area movement.  Event cards provide the challenges and opportunities players use to fend off defeat while they battle for victory.  Each game in the series introduces new elements to the robust game engine and expands the possibilities of what can be simulated.  With each event card, players have a variety of actions possible but are limited by the number of action points on a given turn…in a States of Siege game there are just never enough points to get all the things done they would like.


The first game in the pack is by series creator Darin Leviloff.  Soviet Dawn: The Russian Civil War 1918 – 1921 puts you in the position of defending the Bolshevik Revolution from the array of ‘White’ forces bent on its destruction.  Can you deal with the great crises of that time and defend the revolution? Will you withdraw from the Great War (WWI) or exercise the Bukharin Option and fight on? Can you execute the Czar in time, or will the ‘Whites’ rescue him? Will you fortify Petrograd or press your offensives home? How will you deal with internal and external dissent?  These are just some of the challenges to meet as you decide the fate of Communism in the 20th century.  Revolt and Revolution will include both the base game Soviet Dawn and its expansion pack.

The second game in the tri-pack is from series developer John Welch.  Levée en Masse: The Wars of the French Revolution 1789 – 1802 puts you in the position of defending the Republican Revolution from forces both within and outside of France, during the tumultuous years of the French.  Can you suppress the forces of Monarchy and Despotism to maintain the Republican spirit in France? Can you export the revolution by liberating neighboring states and creating sister Republics? Will you be able to keep order in Paris as it suffers from riot after riot? Can you rally your armies to defeat those of rival European states like Britain, Prussia and Austria?  These are just a few of the obstacles you must overcome to end Monarchy and bring forth the era of Republican government that will transform Europe in the 19th century.  Revolt and Revolution will include both the base game Levée en Masse and its expansion pack. I seem to remember Jeff mentioning how much he enjoyed Levee en Masse.

The third game in Volume I is a never-before-published game in the States of Siege series!  Cruel Necessity:  The English Civil Wars 1640 – 1653 puts you in charge of Puritanism and Parliament and their attempts to usher in the Reformation and Age of Reason.  Can you create a fighting force capable of defeating the Royalist Armies of Charles I?  Can you foster Puritan religious reforms while suppressing those of your rival Protestants  and hated Catholics?  Can you forge an alliance with the Covenanters of Scotland and prevent them for going over to the King?  Can you manage the rebellions in Ireland without draining too many men and resources to do so?  These are just some of the dilemmas you must balance in order to bring an end to Divine Right Monarchy and usher in the Age of Revolution.

Revolt and Revolution is on the p500 right now for $45.00 at the GMT website

Elliott Miller

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