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AEG will begin to release the first three games in their City State of Tempest line of games as early as October. These games are a completely new direction for the company and, although each game is completely different, they all take place in a shared world. We’ll have our video interview with AEG’s Todd Rowland available shortly as he goes into much more detail about the series. On the horizon are Dominare, Courtier, and Mercante.


From the busy, rugged quays of the Merchant Quarter to the ornate magnificence of the Great Basilica, from the imperious chambers of the Senate to the stinking, crowded alleys of the Swamp, secret cabals move unseen in the City-State of Tempest. These clandestine societies, bound by blood oaths and driven by power, conspire to seize control of Tempest. They wage a secret war with words, gold, and a knife in a darkened alley. When it is won, few will be wiser as to who really pulls the strings in this great city…. Dominare is a game of the hidden war for total control of Tempest. The weapons of this war are people, and Dominare provides dozens of “weapons” for you to wield. Use your agents to build a conspiracy, and watch it grow in power as you add to it. Agents spread influence through eight city districts each with unique advantages, and use your agents’ abilities to wrest control of key parts of the city from the opposition… for in the end, control is all that matters.


A large, safe harbor astride a dangerous stretch of seagoing trade routes, the docks of the City-State of Tempest are said to be the busiest in the world. Ships from every known nation–and a few that are little more than rumors–conduct their business here in this polyglot city. Among this chaos of cargo and shouting and gold, the great merchant houses conduct their affairs with the ruthlessness of crocodiles. Their goal: Be the only merchant house in Tempest. Achieving that goal takes courage, calculation, and a gambler’s calm. Mercante is a game of economic warfare between merchant houses. The war is fought with gold, contracts, market manipulation, and outright theft. You play one of nine merchant houses, each with a unique ability. Buy and sell commodities, fulfill contracts, turn a tidy profit, or drive down the value of your opponents’ goods. With a realistic market model and every player involved in each auction, Mercante will test your mercantile mettle!


The royal court of the City-State of Tempest is the center of fashion and culture. Inside the palace, the wealthy, wise, and powerful mingle, and their conversations shape the future. For a skilled negotiator, there is no better place to be. An idea seeded here, a name dropped there, a favor turned, and a courtier can quickly rise to prominence, wealth, knighthood, and more. Courtier is a game of the royal court of the City-State of Tempest. Play cards to influence key personalities or adjust the board to your advantage. Gain control of coteries to use their special abilities. Influence the right courtiers, and complete petitions to score points. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game wins!


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