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Save $$$ with the Champions 4E Universe Bundle of Holding

There are currently two Champions 4E roleplaying bundles on offer from HERO Games and Bundle of Holding. The Champions 4E Universe Bundle contains 37 PDFs and you can jump aboard for nineteen of them for $17.95 or go all in for the entire collection for the current threshold price $35.56. Between this offer and the Champions 4E Essentials Bundle, you can score every PDF released for Champions 4th edition. These savings run through February 24th.

About the bundle:

Hero, look sharp! This revived April 2017 Champions 4E Universe Bundle is the second of two offers that give you a new chance to get the complete Champions Fourth Edition line (1989-2001) of tabletop superhero roleplaying action from Hero Games. If you haven’t already bought our revived Champions 4E Essentials offer, start there. Then fly back here for this stupendous addition with thirty-seven supplements and adventures.

For just US$17.95 you get all nineteen titles in this revived offer’s Starter Collection (retail value $98.50) as DRM-free ebooks, including five Enemies books of supervillains, ten adventures, and the highly regarded San Angelo: City of Heroes line from Gold Rush Games.

And if you pay more than the threshold price of $35.56, you’ll level up and also get this revival’s entire Bonus Collection with eighteen more titles worth an additional $110, including nine Dark Champions books, two collections of Heroic Adventures, Kingdom of Champions and other location books, Foxbat Unhinged, and Champions in 3-D, the dimension-roaming campaign book that holds pride of place in every HERO fan’s trophy room. Together these two revived offers give you the entire Champions Fourth Edition line!

Jeff McAleer

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