Tonight, a time traveler finds himself flung into the year 2076. A future where criminals are sentenced by censors to …show biz! That’s right, there are no paid actors and actresses in the year 2076 and no special effects for war movies, cop shows, or any other violent entertainment. You see, show biz is a death sentence.
Funny enough, we don’t have news either before or after the episode so that means we don’t have a station ident but there are some local commercials during the break which reveal the radio station which aired this episode.
Turn out the lights and give a listen to There’s No Business Like… as it aired on Newsradio 78 AM WBBM Chicago January 19th, 1976.
Founder/Editor-in-chief of The Gaming Gang website and host of The Gaming Gang Dispatch and other TGG media, Jeff tackles any and all sorts of games but has a special fondness for strategy, conflict sims, and roleplaying games. Plus, he's certainly never at a loss for an opinion...
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