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The finalists for the 2010 Charles S. Roberts Awards have been announced. These awards are presented annually for excellence in the historical wargaming hobby. Charles S. Roberts, in whose name this award is given, invented the modern wargame industry almost single-handedly. As a designer and the original owner-operator of The Avalon Hill Game Company. He founded Avalon Hill in 1958 and published Tactics II, Gettysburg, and Dispatcher. They were the first commercial board wargames and Charles Roberts was responsible for their creation, including many of the developments, such as the Combat Results Table (CRT), that were later to become commonplace. Avalon Hill became a pioneer in a new type of gaming: strategy games based on historical events and so Charles Roberts spawned the whole commercial wargaming hobby/industry we know today.

And the nominees are…

Best Ancient to Napoleonic Era Board Wargame

Commands & Colors: Napoleonics (by Richard Borg), GMT Games
Julius Caesar (by Grant Dalgliesh, Justin Thompson), Columbia Games
King Philip’s War (by John Poniske), Multi Man Publications, Inc. (MMP)
The Coming Storm (by Kevin Zucker), Operational Studies Group (OSG)
Washington’s War (by Mark Herman), GMT Games

Best Post-Napoleonic to Pre-World War 2 Era Board Wargame

Ottoman Sunset (by Darin Leviloff), Victory Point Games
The Lost Cause (by Hans von Stockhausen), Victory Point Games
The Spanish Civil War 1936-1939 (by Javier Romero), GMT Games
The Tide at Sunrise: The Russo-Japanese War 1904-1905 (by Yukihiro Kuroda, Adam Starkweather), Multi Man Publications, Inc. (MMP)
White October – The Last Assault on Red Petrograd (issue #5) (by David Beaudlet), Battles magazine

Best World War 2 Era Board Wargame

Barbarossa: Crimea (by Vance von Borries), GMT Games
Beda Fomm (re-issue) (by Frank Chadwick), Consim Press
Normandy ’44 (by Mark Simonitch), GMT Games
Steel Wolves (by Brien Miller, Stephen Jackson), Compass Games
We Must Tell the Emperor (by Steve Carey), Victory Point Games

Best Post-WW2 Era Board Wargame

A Week in Hell: The Battle of Hue (issue #3) (by Laurent Guenette), Battles magazine
Hearts and Minds: Vietnam 1965-1975 (by John Poniske), Worthington Games
Labyrinth: The War on Terror (by Volko Ruhnke), GMT Games
World at War: The Untold Stories (by Mark H Walker), Lock ‘n Load Publishing
Yalu (2nd edition) (by John Hill), Compass Games

Best Pre-20th Century Era Computer Wargame

Ancient Wars: Greek Wars (HPS)
Campaign Jena-Auerstedt
Civilization V
Greek Wars (HPS)
Napoleon Total War (Creative Assembly)

Best 20th Century Era – Modern Computer Wargame

Call of Duty: Black Ops
Command Ops: Battles from the Bulge (Panther Games/Matrix)
First World War Campaigns: France ’14 (HPS)
Gary Grigsby’s War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945 (2by3 Games/ Matrix)
Revolution Under Siege (Sep REDS/Matrix)

Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Board Wargame

All Things Zombie (by Ed Teixeira, Mark H Walker), Lock ‘n Load Publishing
Dungeon & Dragons – Castle Ravenloft Board Game (by Rob Heinsoo, Peter Lee, Mike Mearls, Bill Slavicsek), Hasbro
Runewars (by Corey Konieczka), Fantasy Flight Games
Space Hulk: Death Angel (by Corey Konieczka), Fantasy Flight Games
War of the Ring Collector’s Edition (by Roberto di Meglio, Marco Maggi, Francesco Nepitello), Fantasy Flight Games

Best Science-Fiction or Fantasy Computer Wargame

Armada 2526
Distant Worlds
Fall Out New Vegas
Mass Effect 2

Best Magazine Game

A Week in Hell (by Laurent Guenette), Battles magazine
Buffalo Wings (issue #29) (by John D. Webster), Against the Odds magazine (ATO)
Fury in the East (by Ginichiro Suzuki), Multi Man Publications, Inc. (MMP)
Race for Berlin: The Final Struggle (issue #4) (by Francois-Xavier Euzet), Battles magazine
Tarleton’s Quarter! (issue #28) (by Mike Joslyn), Against the Odds magazine (ATO)

Best Desktop Published (DTP) / Print-and-Play / Postcard Game

Levee en Masse (by John Welch), Victory Point Games
Ottoman Sunset (by Darin Leviloff), Victory Point Games
Paying the Peiper (by Paul Rohrbaugh), Against the Odds magazine (ATO)
The Barbarossa Campaign (by Gary Graber, Alan Emrich, Carl Paradis), Victory Point Games
We Must Tell the Emperor (by Steve Carey), Victory Point Games

Best Expansion or Supplement for an Existing Game

ASL Action Pack #6: A Decade of War (by Charles Fortenberry, Charles Kibler, Bob MacNamara), Multi Man Publications, Inc. (MMP)
Combat Commander: Battle Pack #3 – Normandy (by John Foley), GMT Games
Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour – Poland 1939 (by Uwe Eickert, Michał Ozon), Academy Games
Imperial Japanese Navy (Silent War series) (by Brien Miller), Compass Games
World at War: Operation Garbo (by Nils Idemalm, Mark H Walker), Lock ‘n Load Publishing

Best Board Game Graphics

A Week in Hell (Battles Magazine)
Conflict of Heroes: Price of Honour (Academy Games)
Labyrinth: The War on Terror
Normandy ’44 (GMT)
Steel Wolves (Compass)

Best Computer Game Graphics

Decisive Campaigns: The Blitzkrieg from Warsaw to Paris
Gary Grigsby’s War in the East: The German-Soviet War 1941-1945 (2by3 Games/ Matrix)
MapMod -alternate graphics packages (new this past year, France ’14, Kharkov’ ’43)
Napoleon Total War (Creative Assembly)
Revolution Under Siege

Best Professional Game Magazine

Against the Odds, Against the Odds magazine (ATO)
Battles Magazine, Battles magazine
C3i magazine, RBM Publications
Strategy & Tactics
World at War, Decision Games

Best Amateur Game Magazine

Le Franc-Tireur
Line of Departure
No Turkeys

Best Historical/Scenario Article

50 Years War – a scenario for Warriors of God (Operations SI#3)
Brewster Buffalo in WW-2, J.D. Webster, ATO#29
How Not To Do It: Dieppe 1942 (S&T 265)
Joel Toppen, History of the Peloponnesian War (C3i #24)
Wagram, Frédéric Bey, ATO#28

Best Game Review or Analysis Article

David Hughes, Sleeping with the Enemy: Pro German Bias in WW2 Wargaming (Battles Magazine)
Getting more Beda out of your Fomm: opening strategies for Afrika II, Alan Murphy (Operations SI#3)
John Foley, Asia Engulfed (C3i #24)
Mark Herman, Washington’s war, Art of Asymmetrical Strategy (C3i#24)
Richard G. Simon, Nothing Gained But Glory (Battles Magazine #4)

James F. Dunnigan Design Elegance Award

Across the Pacific
Anzio/Cassino (Worthington Games)
Campaign Commander Series (Bellica 3rd Generation)
EFS: Crimea
Frontline General: Spearpoint 1943 (Collins Epic Wargames)
Fury in the East
Germantown (GMT Games)
Hearts & Minds (Worthington Games)
Julius Caesar, Columbia Games
La Bataille de Leipzig (Pratzen Editions)
Labyrinth: The War on terror
Napoleon’s War: The 100 Days (Worthington Games)
Napoleonic20 Series
Normandy ‘ 44
Onirim (by Shadi Torbey), Z-Man Games
Serpents of the Seas
Sphacterie -425 (by Frederic Bey), Vae Victis magazine
States of Siege solitaire games
Steel Wolves (Miller/Jackson, Compass)
Tank on Tank (LnL)
The Fires of Midway

Clausewitz Award HALL OF FAME

Brian Train
Brien Miller
Charles Vasey
Craig Besinque
Dennis A. Spors
Dennis Bishop
Didier Rouy
Ed Wimble
Francisco Ronco
Frédéric Bey
Joe Youst
John Poniske
John Tiller
Ken Dunn
Kevin Moody
Larry Bond
Mark H Walker
Mark Miklos
Markus Stumptner
Michael Myers
Michael Rinella
Mike Nagel
Nicolas Eskubi
Peter Bogdasarian
Randy Lein
Richard Borg
Tom Dalgliesh
Volko Ruhnke

Jeff McAleer

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