About the project:
Once upon a time, in a land where fey thrive, there lived a powerful fairy named Mab. Mab possessed magic so potent that she dared to challenge the mightiest of all fey, the queen of the Seelie Court. The queen’s mischievous son delighted in spreading rumors, one day concocted a vicious lie.
Cast out by the Seelie Court, Mab allied with the queen’s greatest foe, a dark fey with an eerie, blackened glow.
With the dark fey’s help, Mab obtained a shard of dark magic and created her own realm. This new land, named Aetheria.
- Fabled Empire is a Fairytale supplement for 5th edition adventures also known as 5e.
- Fabled Empire is a 200+ page supplement for 5e, featuring Monsters, Villains, Denizens, Magic Items, Spells, Player Options, and more!
- Inspired by the Feywild, but mostly classic and modern fairytales.
- Unique personalities are included on all stat blocks to enhance NPCs and monsters. Additionally, tools are provided to help you add personalities to your own creatures.
- Additional optional rules to bring the wonders of fairytales to your games.