Huh? What?
That’s right! We have never and will never ask our visitors for a penny to support the website or anything regarding what we do here at TGG. How’s that for a little bit of a change in mind thought? I know we really enjoy the hobby and however we can provide current info and/or fun to our visitors about gaming, without pleading for you to pay our utility bills, we’ll continue to hum along as we do.
With that said, it would be nice if our visitors did a little bit more to support us emotionally. As we approach the New Year, we’re on pace to end 2011 with just under one million visits to The Gaming Gang and we’re really blown the doors off many established websites, podcasts, and gaming news sources out there. Yet it’s almost insulting to see 5,000 people read a review, or watch a thousand people download the latest show, or see other websites posting exclusive news we present and see no comments – either positive or negative – of the work we put in here.
It isn’t as if we HAVE to do this… This isn’t Board Game Geek – where Derk and Aldie sit back counting advertising and supporter monies flowing in based on content written by BGG users while, at the same time, personally bringing very little to the discussion of the hobby – TGG is mainly a two man project run by a couple of guys investing a lot of their limited free time to bring a love of gaming to the masses.
So my “personal appeal” to visitors, for 2012, is to let us know what you think. If you agree with what we have to say, let us know. If you completely disagree, let us know. Spread the word, review us at iTunes, friend us on Facebook, subscribe to the feed, join us on Twitter, or even simply tell a friend about the website. Tell us what we get right and beat us up if we get wrong. Just don’t swing by here everyday to enjoy what we present and simply move along to some other website. All it really takes is a couple of minutes and a bit of thought.
How hard is that?
I think that’s really not much to ask and it’s pretty easy on your wallet too.
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What you say makes sense and I will drop a note more often.
I think you guys are doing a wonderful job! You are putting out lots of news and interesting nuggets. Your commitment and the amount of work you have done amaze me. Thank you for a great site!
I’m not too frequent of a visitor to your web site other than to read the occasional review. What I’ve seen there is very, very solid.
I have listened, however, to every single one of your podcasts and absolutely love them. The great interaction between you two old friends shows how much you really enjoy each other’s company. Listening to you guys always puts a smile on my face and is a highlight of my week.
Keep up the great work!
Thanks Jacob, Hiew, and Bruce! Obviously much of the “personal appeal” aspect is tongue-in-cheek but it can be a bit disheartening that people will email me the live long day about something we’ve written or said on the show but we get very few comments or reviews for the public at large to see.
Your comments are certainly appreciated!
One thing that I very much appreciate about this site is how up-to-date it is. I follow the hobby very closely, and yet I’ll come here and pick up a bit of information that I was unaware of.
So it’s readily apparent that you’re on top of things daily, and obviously that requires constant effort. TGG is like my hobby-centric newspaper… and it goes great with a morning cup of coffee.