About the zine:
The third and final issue of the Beyond the Borderlands zine has finally arrived!
Now we’ll dive into the Shifting Maze, a six-level megadungeon beneath the Wicked Palovalley that changes layouts and contents every time it’s explored. Using the cardcrawl method from dungeon reavers, players will use a deck of poker cards to generate each level as they go, making each delve an unpredictable challenge!
In this zine you will also find:
– A new NPC, the wandering merchant
– A list of 12 magical ingredients to create potions
– A list of 36 magical items and their effects
By purchasing the zine you also get access to:
– The cardcrawl minizine from dungeon reavers
– The shifting maze illustration in BW to draw over and take notes
– A PDF to print paper minis of all the creatures and NPCs that appeared in the three zines and two variations of an 8×8 battle mat