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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild

9th Level Games have released their latest roleplaying game, written by Nat Mesnard and Patrick Watson, and it’s a satirical take on business and wizards. In Business Wizards (you saw that title coming a mile away!) players take on the roles of Bizards who complete adventures on time and under budget. You can order the game from 9th Level for $14.99 or snag the PDF at DriveThruRPG for $14.99.

From 9th Level:

A roleplaying game in the Arcane World of Business! 

In the same vein as Kobolds Ate My Baby! this new Polymorph title brings much silliness and a meta take on both BUSINESS and WIZARDS!!! Fans of Kobolds Ate My Baby and other Polymorph games will both LOVE clocking into this adventure!

In Business Wizards you are a BIZARD!  That means you are wizard who is ALL BUSINESS! You solve your daily problems with magic and sorcery rather than good old fashioned work ethic!

Do you love a challenge? Can you cast legendary spells on time and under budget? Are your illusionary projections actually illusions? Join a magically powered up team with flexible hours and competitive treasure/experience share. Only highly proficient communicators and ace spellcasters need apply. Experience with Crystal Balls, PCs and NPCs is a plus.

In Business Wizards you can: 

  • Attend STAFF meetings
  • Get mad at the MIMIC copier
  • Chat around the GELATINOUS CUBE cooler
  • Summon COFFEE
  • and much more!
Jeff McAleer

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