From Collins Epic Wargames:
Polyversal is a new 6mm sci-fi mass combat miniatures system designed by Ken Whitehurst and published by Collins Epic Wargames. The Polyversal system works with miniatures you may already have in the 6mm range and will include online and app-based unit design tools, allowing you to quickly and easily customize your armies within the rules of the system. The setting is a gritty plausible future with a storyline that promises to capture your imagination while providing endless hours of gaming entertainment. Don’t have 6mm miniatures? No problem. We’re working with 5 miniatures manufacturers to supply a selection of miniatures for a boxed version of Polyversal with more boxed sets to follow. These boxed sets will include everything you need to play the game- gorgeous stat cards with incredible artwork, dice, tracking counters, a comprehensive rulebook and miniatures from some of the best manufacturers out there.
This project really interests me – especially at 6mm. That means it’s playable on a regular table, has huge armies, the minis are easier to paint and its affordable! I used to play Epic Warhammer 40K and still have my 6mm Orks sitting patiently waiting to be deployed again. Maybe they’ll get a chance now! I’m anxiously looking forward to this – good luck with it Byron. Hermann