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Fantasy Flight Games is in the midst of beta testing their Community Wizard. The community wizard will be a new feature on the FFG website that will allow you to search for other players in your area interested in playing your favorite FFG game, or find local retailers who carry the product that you are looking for. Plus there are gaming conventions, game clubs, and more. It is kind of like Google maps for Fantasy Flight Games.

FFG Says:

Fantasy Flight Games is pleased to announce the open beta of the FFG Community Wizard! This powerful online tool was designed to help you find more people and places to play your favorite FFG games. Its comprehensive search function allows you to see all the local activity surrounding your favorite FFG games, placing you in touch with new people, venues, and events with which to play your favorite games.

Complementing the Community Wizard’s search capabilities is a full suite of online tools. Simply create a free FFG forum account (current members already have access), and enjoy:

  • An interface that provides customized options depending on your account type. Upgrade your standard “player” account to an “organization” account (such as a retailer, game club, or convention), and become even more accessible to customers, members, and guests! For more on the specific benefits to organizations, visit our Community Wizard for Organizations website.
  • Convenient event management tools. Players can propose events through their favorite local retailers, and retailers can approve them with the click of a mouse. Manage the guest lists, send mass messages to guests, and more!
  • A robust private messaging system, including convenient color coding and optional email forwarding. When used in conjunction with the Community Wizard’s search capabilities, this helpful communication system lets you quickly connect to the players, retailers, and event organizers your searches locate.
  • Enhanced control over your collection of games. List games you own, as well as those that you’re currently playing or interested in playing. Like-minded local players can then use the Community Wizard to inform you of upcoming games and events!

With its wide range of helpful functions, the Fantasy Flight Games Community Wizard is an online connectivity tool like no other. This powerful resource makes connecting with players more convenient than ever before, leaving you time for what’s most important: enjoying your favorite games.

The Community Wizard is in Beta as they work out all of the bugs, but you can take a look at it right now on the Fantasy Flight Games Website.

Elliott Miller

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