About the classic supplement:
Sun County – Prax
Sun County is a small enclave of staunchly independent farmers. Their stubborn ways have resisted nomads, famine and drought for centuries.
Strangers are not welcome in the Lands of the Sun, but many are drawn there by the promise of gold, fame, and adventure.
Do you dare enter the Sun Dome lands?
Sun County is a Gloranthan campaign supplement for the RuneQuest roleplaying game. Sun County contains:
- Four scenarios ready for play.
- Extensive historical notes on Sun County and its culture.
- Profiles of important persons and peoples of the region.
- New full description of Yelmalio cult. Extensive detailed encounter tables.
- Personal notes and observations of Jaxarte Whyded, Commissioner of the Imperial Census, on his travels through the land.
- Sundry useful and ornamental details of interest to the Gloranthan scholar.
Sun County is being re-released as part of Chaosium’s RuneQuest Classic line. As with all RQ Classic releases, the rules have not been updated. It’s the original 1992 book with the layout remastered and some minor corrections and errata updates. Plus this book has a new foreword by Shannon Appelcline.