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The Other GuysI’m happy to announce something which both Elliott Miller (Voice of E) and I have been bouncing around for the past few months will be coming to fruition this August. Longtime friends of The Gaming Gang no doubt not only remember Elliott’s time here as co-creator of the gang but also his co-hosting of our podcast for a few years. Once Elliott branched out to run his own site the podcast sadly came to an end. We both miss a lot of the fun we had recording the shows so we’ll be producing an all new podcast and aiming for our first episode to air prior to Gen Con.

Our working title for the podcast is ‘The Other Guys’ and you should expect the same sort of news, reviews, and semi-irrelevant banter people enjoyed with The Gaming Gang. Listeners enjoyed our unique views and personalities as we (hopefully) brought something a wee bit different to the table. The title is a touch of a play on how folks used to refer to us when talking about their favorite table top gaming podcasts; People would say they listened to The Dice Tower and/or Game On and/or The Spiel and then toss in something along the lines of, “oh… and those other guys at The Gaming Gang…” So “those other guys” are making a comeback!

I’ll mention our schedules tend to be pretty hectic so we hope to be able to roll out a couple of shows each month. Our game plan is to include news and a couple of reviews each episode. You can also expect far more guests than we ever had with TGG joining us as well. Each podcast will be available for download at both the Voice of E website and here at The Gaming Gang.

We’ll release more details as we get closer to launch so stay tuned!

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