FFG’s Nate French explains the changes:
“We have developed the restricted list, which goes into effect today (and are included in each game’s FAQ, below). On the restricted list, you will find the cards that have been cramping tournament play and preventing the game from being as enjoyable as we all know it can be. Some of these cards are part of an overpowered combination, some have risen to the status of “auto-include” and are simply too pervasive in the environment, and some were printed to address a very specific situation that the game has since grown past.
When building a deck, a player may select one card from the restricted list to use in that deck, and he may not use any other cards from the restricted list in that same deck. A player may run as many copies of his chosen restricted card as the standard rules of the game (or card text) allow.”
You’ll find the list of restricted cards on these support pages:
A Game of Thrones: The Card Game
Call of Cthulhu: The Card Game
Warhammer: Invasion The Card Game
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