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Independent TTRPGs at DriveThruRPG

I review the two player, card driven historical game Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis 1860-1861 from GMT Games. Plus news from Greater Than Games, Bundle of Holding, Pinnacle Entertainment, Five24Labs, Fantasy Flight Games and more.

03:33 News of the day
19:02 How some companies are losing out on Kickstarter promotion and what’s on The Daily Dope the rest of this week
25:56 Fort Sumter: The Secession Crisis 1860-1861 how to play and review

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Jeff McAleer


Fort Sumter is an interesting design and certainly fun to delve into for twenty or thirty minutes a pop. Personally, I believe it will appeal to those who enjoy CDGs but don't have a ton of time to invest. That said, I prefer my card driven historical games to much more epic in scope and a lot less abstracted than Fort Sumter. While the component quality is nice, I found the game board to be a bit on the ugly side and nothing really stands out in the component presentation. The rules and playbook are nicely done as usual from GMT though. All in all a title I found was pretty good but just not in the same league as many of Mr. Herman's other fantastic designs.

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