About the adventure:
On the Brink of Greatness!
The graduates of the Magaambya are known as some of the greatest wielders of magic in Golarion. Now it’s time for a new group of students to take their first steps on the path to greatness.
In Threshold of Knowledge, you take on the role of one of five students from the prestigious Magaambya, the oldest school of magic in the Inner Sea region. When a teacher goes missing, it’s up to these new heroes to step up and solve a wicked mystery that threatens the existence of the Magaambya itself!
Threshold of Knowledge is a short adventure for 1st-level characters that takes the heroes into the Magaambya and the nearby city of Nantambu. In addition, the five pregenerated characters provide a quick way to jump into the adventure right away in this exciting offering for Free RPG Day (2021)!
Grab some dice and some friends and play the role of new heroes in training!
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