Sale Details: 20% or 50% off on all IN-STOCK GMT (not UGG or Worthington or Hexasim) games:
- All Customers 20% Discount: Everyone automatically qualifies for the 20% discount.
- P500 Supporters 50% Discount: For every game that you received via P500 this year from the list below, you may buy ONE in-stock game at a 50% discount. And, because we’re trying to help everyone get a little extra again this year, especially you guys who support us so well in the P500 program, you can add ONE MORE game at 50% as well. So if you received four games from the list below via P500 ordering this year, you could buy FIVE in-stock games at 50% off. The only limit here is how many games you received by P500 order in 2012.
2012 Releases that Qualify You for the 50% off Special if you Ordered them via P500: (Note that we are allowing you to count games that you have ordered via P500 that we plan to ship in November and December of this year, as well. These count for ELIGIBILTY purposes, only – you can’t use the special discount to buy games, including Mr. Madison’s War, that are not yet shipping):
Andean Abyss
Ardennes ’44 (Reprint Edition)
Bloody April, 1917
Bomber Command
C & C Ancients (4th Printing)
Crown of Roses
Dominant Species (3rd Printing)
Dominant Species: The Card Game
Fighting Formations (2nd Printing)
Next War: Korea
Panzer Expansion 1
Panzer Expansion 2
Red Winter
Reds (2nd Printing)
Space Empires (2nd Printing)
Virgin Queen
(And any of these upcoming 2012 releases for which you have a P500 order on file – or make one now)
C & C: Napoleonics (2nd Printing)
Fading Glory
Mr. Madison’s War
Pax Baltica
Saints in Armor
Space Empires: Close Encounters
Items you can buy with your discounts:
1. Any In-Stock GMT Game (everything we’ve shipped up through and including Crown of Roses, but not including Mr. Madison’s War or any of our future P500 shipments)
2. You can also purchase Accessories as one of your “games” – mounted boards, card decks, etc, if you just run out of games you want to get. The exception here is Counter Trays. We have only a very few in stock, so you can’t use the discounts to get the Counter Tray Packs.
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