If you already own Death Ride Salerno, from Grognard Simulations, you’ll be happy to know there’s a new expansion available. The 16th Panzer Expansion is now available for order and is the the third addition to the main game.
From Grognard:
Grognard Simulations is pleased to announce that the third installment of Death Ride Salerno – 16th Panzer Expansion, is now released. This game builds on the first two and starts adding in the elements of the British X Corps, providing the forces that fought in the northern part of the battlefield. The main focus of this area is the battle for Battipaglia. The British 201st Guards Brigade ran into stiff German resistance as they got into the outskirts of the town. The British 56th Infantry Division makes contact with elements of the 16th Panzer and 15th Panzer Grenadier Divisions.