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The latest issue of the Doug Kovacs fueled Dungeon Crawl Classics zine has arrived from Goodman Games. The Hobonomicon issue four contains a mix of gaming material and out of this world artwork. The 32 page softcover carries an MSRP of $15.00.

About Hobonomicon #4:

The Hobonomicon contains material for use with the DCC RPG game.

The Long awaited fourth book includes new materials for INFERNO ROAD, Escape from Planet Punjar, a new DCC spell , more Death of a Reaver, the story of the DCC band and the usual huge serving of quality ART.

Scabrous logic and indolent madness in the form of a 32 page, 8.5 x 11′ booklet, with wanton color cover cradling depraved black and white interior pages of gnosis.

Jeff McAleer

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