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Mothership 1E at DriveThruRPG
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Ken St. Andre and Trollgodfather Press has released a new supplement for the Monsters! Monsters! fantasy roleplaying game. Humans! Humans! brings …you guessed it …humans and humanoids to the proceedings. The 38 page PDF is available at DriveThruRPG for $4.99.

About the supplement:

This supplement to the Monsters! Monsters! rules written by Ken St. Andre, gives details on how to create, train and equip human characters in the Monsters! Monsters! RPG and also includes how to add special abilities to human characters like vampires, avatars, and other enhanced humans. This book introduces new enhancements for humanoid characters like Professions (similar to Classes), Skills and Special Abilities. Explains training, and gives advice of running Avatar humans Like Vampires, fallen Angels, and other beings hiding or trapped in human form.

Also covers Elves, Dwarves and Dwon, along with guidance for other human-like characters. Includes a list human supplies, armor and weapons (including guns.) Plus a new map reveals where the various humanoid groups live on Zimrala.

Jeff McAleer

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