From the project:
It’s the roaring twenties and thirties, there are rackets to be controlled and mugs to whack. And here you are, with a brand new violin case full of trouble…
The basic premise is simple, you build your “family” with Thugs, Bookies and Torpedos (collectively known as Mugs.) that will help you gain and keep control of rackets. The hook with this game is the HIT DIE system. When you roll your dice, characters die. And everyone is rolling HIT DICE, so you need to protect your Mugs or you will lose your rackets.The game gets, shall we say, “dicey”? And there are risks you can take, cards or options played at the right time that allows you to win BIG.
The goal: 2 of the same racket type or 3 different type rackets win the game.
And there are 120 cards of strategy so every game is different!
It’s a traditional card game for 2-6 players, with the addition of expansion cards, you can have up to 8 players. It takes about 20 minutes to play with 4 players. All of the cards have the game rules on them, so there is not a lot of “stopping the game to look up a rule” moments.