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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild

Lost Legends from Queen Games, a game designed by Mike Elliott, is running on Kickstarter. With almost three weeks left to go the game has already doubled its initial goal of $10,000.

In Lost Legends, 3 to 5 players are mighty warriors, developing their strengths in order to battle increasingly ferocious monsters as they quest deeper into danger.

Each player’s board keeps track of all their warrior’s information: weapons, equipment, vitals, experience… their legend points, skills, and their kill trophies and trophy awards.  Each warrior is unique, and starts with varying vital levels and hero points.  For example, the Barbarian begins with no mana, but is quite tough with a health level of 4, and also starts with 6 hero points.

Each round of play has its own deck of monsters.  The first monster each warrior encounters is placed in front of them, and then an additional monster is revealed in the center of the table.

Players then draft weapons, armor, spells, special abilities, charms, potions and healing items with an eye toward defeating their assigned monster. Each player is dealt 6 equipment cards.  They choose one, and either add it to their inventory by paying its cost in hero points, or turn it into additional skill for free. Players pass their remaining cards to their left. This continues until each player has one card left. That final card is removed from the game.

You pay for cards you equip with hero points, but the skills you begin with – or attain while drafting – can reduce these costs.  You may also convert an existing piece of equipment into a skill, and further reduce the cost  of the new item.

Now the fun begins! You face your first challenge and it’s your turn to attack. You determine the effectiveness and ferocity of your attack and mete out damage.  If this isn’t enough to take out the monster, mark the wounds you did inflict… and prepare yourself for the monster’s counterattack. This is where your preparation in equipping really comes into play. Did you give yourself enough protection to survive the attack?  If not you are knocked out of the round and will not fight again until the next round.

But be aware, some monsters have special abilities that can affect the battle. For example, a monster can charge you and deliver damage before you even attack.

When you defeat a monster, you might be able to claim a trophy award or two. These vary in kill trophies required and legend points awarded.

At the beginning of your turn, if you do not have a monster in front of you, you must encounter a new one.  You can choose to take on the face-up monster in the middle of the table… or you can draw the top card from the monster deck.  If you don’t think it’s a good idea to fight this monster, and another player also does not have a monster in front of them, you can evade that monster and it will attack them.  But, if you do this, you then must take on the next monster from the top of the deck.

The round ends when all the monsters have been defeated, or all the players have been knocked out.  At this point, all players refresh back to their full levels of mana and health, trophy points are awarded for the round, and you move on to the next round, where you will be able to draft stronger, better equipment.  And you’ll need it, because the monsters get stronger, too!

Three rounds is the game, and at the end, only the warrior with the most legend points becomes the most legendary!


Elliott Miller

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