From Portal:
Portal Games is happy to announce Million Dollar Script – a new 45-minute party game for 3 to 10 players aged 14+.
Million Dollar Script takes place in a lavish Hollywood office. Players first pick a studio executive who will judge screenplays, and then split into 2 competing teams of screenwriters.
During 5 rounds of the game, the teams pitch their finest most preeminent ideas to a studio executive creating a continuous story. Both teams are working on the same movie, and each round the executive picks the pitch they prefer, which then becomes a part of the shared storyline. After 5 rounds the victory points are totaled and the winning team can enjoy its victory.
In every game, the studio executive will challenge screenwriters with different expectations of the perfect hero and his villain counterpart. There are also several film genres the screenplay can cover, and studio executive might have his hidden preferences in what he likes in his movies.
Million Dollar Script is a hilarious duel of creativity, improvising and acting skills with exceptionally high player interaction and role-playing elements. It is yet another great example for Boardgames That Tell Stories.