About the game:
A fast, tactical, 5e compatible, TTRPG Your game nights are too precious to waste with slow or fiddly rules! Slay the slog using the best elements from the greatest RPGs around. Empowers players and GMs with more interesting choices, less waiting around, and have more fun playing epic stories.
You are heroes! Attacks. Just. Hit. Don’t waste your time rolling to see if you can deal damage, just roll your damage dice! You deal that much damage. Attacks miss on a 1, but rolling the maximum is an…
EXPLODING Critical Hit!
Exploding Critical Hits. Roll the die again and add it to the total. There is no limit to how many times this damage can stack, except your luck!
Actively engage in combat! Forget being a passive observer at the mercy of the dice, heroes get a say over when they take damage with the new reaction: Defend! Encourage teamwork & tactical positioning with the new reaction: Interpose!
Defend. Give up an action on your next turn to reduce the damage from an incoming attack.
Interpose. Protect your allies, by placing yourself between them and danger when they are attacked.
Get RIGHT into combat. Improved Initiative rules that get players immediately into combat in a way that serves the story without breaking up the flow.
Keep Role Playing and the story flowing through combat with the new Assess action. Uncover enemy plans, spot hidden weaknesses, gather information to claim the tacticaledge over your foes!
Resting rules that respect and facilitate the story. Overhauled Rests to support the characters’ engagement with NPCs and the story. No more unfun resting rules that warp combat encounters and slow the game down.
Flexible action economy. Use your actions however you like! You can make more choices that really matter.
Strategic Weapon System. A subtly DEEP weapon system that rewards thoughtful play. No more, “I guess I’ll pick the bigger one…” Every weapon is balanced to have interesting strengths & weaknesses in combat.
Flexible skill system. Your skills grow and change with your character and the story.
Overhauled spells & magic system. Easier to pick up, less restrictive and more freedom to cast the spells you want to cast.
More FOCUSED and streamlined character sheet. Your character sheet doesn’t have to look as complicated as a tax form to have a deep, tactical game! “Trap” options, or needless clutter dilutes your choices, slows the game, scares new players away, and can make it harder to find the information you need.
- The Gaming Gang 2025 March TTRPG Madness - Mar 1, 2025
- Games Workshop and Cubicle 7 Reveal Warhammer The Horus Heresy Roleplaying Game - Feb 28, 2025
- The Mutant Epoch Expansion Rules are Available in Print and PDF - Feb 28, 2025