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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild

I discuss the most important trait I feel all great dungeon masters/game masters must possess and what to do to improve it, on this edition of The Gaming Gang Dispatch. Plus the latest tabletop gaming news from Monte Cook Games, The Dungeon Coach, Cubicle 7 Games, Alligator Alley Entertainment, Questing Beast Games, Bundle of Holding, and more.

This week’s episodes of The Dispatch are sponsored by Nat Handsome Games and their Fabled Empire Kickstarter.

7:39 Tabletop gaming news of the day
37:23 A brief intermission
41:49 One trait all great DMs/GMs MUST possess
1:02:52 Wrapping up

Thumbnail artwork by Keith Parkinson for the AD&D Dungeon Master’s Design Kit

Jeff McAleer

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