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Classic Dungeons & Dragons at Dungeon Masters Guild
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Napoleon 4th EditionWell past its funding goal is the 4th edition of Napoleon coming from Columbia Games but there’s still five days to pledge support. This classic returns in a new print run with plenty of extras only for Kickstarter supporters. If you love strategy and want to recreate the Waterloo campaign on a grand scale this is not to be missed!

From Columbia Games:

Napoléon is a strategy game for two or three players which simulates the Waterloo Campaign. The time is June 15th, 1815. A French army commanded by the great Napoléon is ready to invade the Southern Nederlands (now Belgium) where two Allied armies, one Anglo-Dutch led by the Duke of Wellington, and one Prussian led by Marshal Blücher are gathering strength to invade France. The French are concentrated and have the early advantage, but the Allies, if they can unite, are stronger.

Napoléon was first published in 1974 by Gamma Two Games, a Canadian company located in Vancouver, B.C. That edition sold out twice. In 1977, the game was licensed to Avalon-Hill of Baltimore, and they produced a 2nd edition. Later, after Avalon-Hill had gone to wargame heaven, Columbia Games published a 3rd edition. This too had several printings and recently sold out once more.

Napoléon is an elegant simulation of one of history’s greatest military campaigns. It has always been a fun, addictive game. Now it is even better. Please support a new five-star edition of this timeless classic.

Jeff McAleer

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