Game Title: Pathfinder – Broken Tusk Moon (Quest for the Frozen Flame 1 out of 3)
Publisher: Paizo Inc
Authors: Ron and Stephanie Lundeen
Artists: Setiawan Lee, Vlada Hladkova, Robert Lazzaretti, Artur Nakhodkin, Ian Perks, Christoph Peters, and Luis Salas Lastra
Year: 2022
Genre: Pathfinder roleplaying adventure
Pages: 96 pages
MSRP: $24.99 in softcover or $17.99 in PDF
I share my thoughts about the first chapter in the Quest for the Frozen Flame Pathfinder adventure path, Broken Tusk Moon, from Paizo Inc. The 96 page softcover adventure available now and carries an MSRP of $24.99 or grab the PDF alone for $17.99. Is the latest Pathfinder adventure path off to a rollicking start? Or will your enthusiasm for the Frozen Flame be completely snuffed out by Broken Tusk Moon? You’ll find out!
13:56 Final thoughts and review score