From Wizards of the Coast:
D&D Adventurers League:
DDEX1-14: Escape from Phlan: An adventure for levels 5-10—available now for free for a limited time (through May 6).
Three important citizens of Phlan, who stand against the tyrannical dragon that rules, seek to escape and find refuge across the Moonsea. Can you extricate those that are vital to the factions before it’s too late? By Chris Lindsay, Claire Hoffman, Chris Tulach, and Travis Woodall.
For Newer Players:
Dragon of Icespire Peak: An introductory adventure for 1-5 players. Dragon of Icespire Peak is set a short distance from the city of Neverwinter in the Sword Coast region of the Forgotten Realms setting. The Sword Coast is part of the North—a vast realm of free settlements surrounded by lawless, untamed wilderness.
Look for Dragon of Icespire Peak on D&D Beyond and Fantasy Grounds—available now for free for a limited time (through May 30).