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Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game (Fantasy Flight Games)The highly anticipated return of the L5R RPG is around the corner and Fantasy Flight Games has begun taking preorders for the first release. The Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game box is chock full of goodies to get started in the world of Rokugan. The initial entry in the system should arrive in Q3 and it carries an MSRP of $39.95.

From FFG:

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game, a new roleplaying experience in the land of honor and steel.

The Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game allows anyone to take on the role of a samurai in Rokugan. With four in-depth character folios, a fully realized adventure book, a set of custom dice, a map of Rokugan, a variety of tokens, and a set of rules including an example of play, the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game gives newbies and veterans alike the perfect door to the Emerald Empire.

Within the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game, you’ll find a unique way to start your roleplaying adventures: an updated version of the Roll and Keep system found in prior versions of the Legend of the Five RingsRPG. By using the set of custom dice included in the box, you’ll be able to help your characters overcome the trials ahead, while informing the world around them and their inner turmoil.

Take your first steps into the Emerald Empire with the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game. Between a pre-made adventure ripe with action and a set of characters that represent the best of Rokugan, the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Beginner Game is the perfect introduction to Rokugan for new players and veterans alike.

Legend of the Five Rings Beginner Game Components (Fantasy Flight Games)

Jeff McAleer

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