Privateer Press has five new figures now in stores! Three of the miniatures (one is an upgrade actually) are for Warmachine and two for Hordes. Nicia, Tear of Vengeance is a solo hero and fights under the Protectorate banner. The Mercenary faction gain an updated Heavy Warjack and an upgrade kit for the Rocinante Heavy Warjack. Legion of Everblight Nyss Raptors ride across your battlefield atop ulks while a Boneswarm Light Warbeast terrifies all opponents as it drapes itself in the bones of its prey.
As a note, the Boneswarm Light Warbeast is a rerelease of a previous figure from the Iron Kingdoms roleplaying game but has a completely revamped battle card for Hordes.
Also, the 2011 Warmachine and Hordes shirts which made their debut at Lock and Load and Gen Con are now available to order from the Privateer Press online store. Featuring exciting designs from the cover of Escalation and Primal Mk II, these shirts are the perfect way to declare your gaming allegiance!
Head on over to the online store and grab your 2011 Warmachine and 2011 Hordes shirts today!
Founder/Editor-in-chief of The Gaming Gang website and host of The Gaming Gang Dispatch and other TGG media, Jeff tackles any and all sorts of games but has a special fondness for strategy, conflict sims, and roleplaying games. Plus, he's certainly never at a loss for an opinion...