MonkeyBlood Design and Publishing have released what looks to be a pretty unusual fantasy adventure for Swords & Wizardry. The players will investigate a series of livestock murders and disembowelments in Rancid Canyons of the Floating Death Sheep. The 60 page adventure is available in PDF at DriveThruRPG for $13.19.
About the adventure:
Yarrowbone is known for its delicious cured and smoked meats. Folk travel for hundreds of miles to sample the delightful tastes and textures of the villager’s meaty products. There’s a problem though. Something is ravaging the livestock populations out in the badlands leaving dismembered and disembowelled sheep out rotting in the midday sun.
Yarrowbone’s leader, Hester Cerese, is worried and the farmers and shepherds are having to graze their flocks elsewhere to keep the dwindling meat supply safe.
Unfortunately, as the herd animals have not been reared and fed on the vegetation found in the badlands, the taste of their meat isn’t the same, and consequently, the locals are getting restless as sales have declined.
Several groups, including an angry mob of locals have gone out to try and hunt whatever is devastating their livestock, but they too have generally ended up as carcasses for the vultures.
Only one person has lived to tell the tale and he refuses to go out there again. Most of the bodies of those villagers killed have been recovered. Two are still missing.
The inhabitants of Yarrowbone are getting desperate and need some hunters and/or heroes to find the missing settlers and save their precipitous meat industry from whatever is destroying it.
Rancid Canyons of the Floating Death Sheep is a low level adventure for Swords & Wizardry (S&W).
The adventure features the following.
- The detailed village of Yarrowbone featuring NPCs and 22 locations (can be used as a base for any future adventure).
- Immersive NPC and building art.
- Six pieces of cool cartography.
- Three new juicy magic items.
- Seven tricky new adversaries.
- Five engaging mapped encounter locations.
- Table of additonal adventure hooks.
- Table of NPC names.
- Information on fitting the adventure into the Lost Wyrld setting of The Midderlands.
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