It has come to my attention that certain components and information in our recently released Mansions of Madness expansion, Forbidden Alchemy, have serious playability issues.
I am sorry and very embarrassed by this issue. Any issues with Forbidden Alchemy are especially egregious as the Mansion of Madness core game was similarly afflicted. While FFG’s work on Forbidden Alchemy was well intended, its content and scenarios both novel and and exciting, it’s obviously not acceptable for players to receive a product with serious mistakes.
We are currently undergoing a comprehensive audit of Forbidden Alchemy, not only to affirm and understand the issues that have been identified by players, but to be completely sure that it does not have yet-to-be-identified issues.
Once we have completed this audit (which we estimate will be sometime early next week), FFG will manufacture any replacement materials necessary. When printed and received by FFG, we will send such replacement materials to affected Forbidden Alchemy owners via mail at no charge. In addition, as further apology, we will include a free copy of our new Arkham Horror novel Dance of the Damned to those players.
Retailers with copies of Forbidden Alchemy on their shelves should contact their FFG sales rep so they may be sent replacement materials directly. FFG has frozen all sales of Forbidden Alchemy for the time being, as we will be replacing the affected parts in our current inventory before resuming shipments of this product. Distribution customers should similarly contact their FFG sales rep.
We will post another article here next week with the details, errata, and information on how affected players can receive their replacement materials and a copy of Dance of the Damned.
Again, on behalf of FFG, I apologize for this unacceptable issue. FFG must do better and FFG will do better.
The expansion features four new investigators, three new stories, two new monster types, 250 new cards, and six new location tiles.
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