About the bundle:
Adventurer! This all-new Vikingverse Bundle presents When the Wolf Comes, Ian Stuart Sharpe’s tabletop science-fantasy roleplaying game of Vikingverse action from Schwalb Entertainment based on Shadow of the Demon Lord. The Vikingverse is set during a reimagined Ragnarök, the doom of the gods. Fated to be devoured by the great wolf Fenrir, Óðinn defied the Norns by changing destiny – by granting forbidden knowledge to the Norse kingdoms. Now, in this alternate present, expeditions of Widefarers, Runemasters, Song Smiths, Thread Riders, Numberwitches, and other Norse heroes travel the Yawning Void via the greenways of Yggdrasil, the Worlds Tree. The Níu Heimar (Nine Homeworlds) are your setting for sagas of phenomenal trial or great personal sacrifice. Ragnarök has struck throughout the shattered timelines; the Fates send your heroes, pawns in a cosmic game, to stand against doom across the Kingdom of the Heavens. In this elementally hazardous universe, perhaps all that matters is how you meet the end.
This all-new offer gives you the entire Vikingverse line for an unbeatable bargain price. For just US$14.95 you get all seventeen titles in our Vikingverse Collection (retail value $61) as DRM-free ebooks, including the complete standalone 392-page When the Wolf Comes core rulebook; three short but intense rules expansions – Space Vikings, Doomcraft, and Death Metal; the character expansions Paths of Honor and Paths of Shame; and the complete 11-part Thought & Memory Saga Campaign Bundle.