A new edition of the settingless roleplaying game Unbound is available from Rowan, Rook, & Decard. The game is designed for the players and GM to easily create there own fantastic worlds and adventures within. Unbound Second Edition is available in PDF for £10.00 or in print for £25.00.
About the game:
Grab your friends – you’re going to make something beautiful together. Unbound will give you the best session zero you’ve ever had. As you gather round the table to make your characters, you’ll also make the world, the factions that oppose you, and the plot of the game by answering a series of prompts – every time you start play, you’ll make your own world and explore it at a break-neck pace. Unbound also utilizes a unique playing card-based cinematic-tactical combat system which allows for tactical play and wild descriptions of the action.
Unbound is a rules-light, settingless roleplaying game about over-the-top cinematic action, interesting tactical choices, and empowering players to create an engaging, evocative world with as little fuss as possible.
Unbound is designed to give you and your group the agency, inspiration and encouragement to build your own world and fill it with exciting stories. As the players make characters, they and the GM will answer questions relating to their chosen abilities that sketch out the rest of the world, the heroes’ goals, the opposition in their path, and what stands to happen if they fail.